Welcome to my home page ☕️
My Name is Hitesh Choudhary and I am a teacher by profession. I teach
coding to various level of students, right from beginners to folks who are
already writing great softwares. I have been teaching on for more than 10
years now and it is my passion to teach people coding. It's a great
feeling when you teach someone and they get a job or build something on
their own. Before you ask, all buttons on this website are inspired by
Windows 7.
In past, I have worked with many companies and on various roles such as
Cyber Security related roles, iOS developer, Tech consultant, Backend
Developer, Content Creator, CTO and these days, I am at full time job as
Senior Director at PW (Physics Wallah). I have done my fair share of
startup too, my last Startup was LearnCodeOnline where we served 350,000+
user with various courses and best part was that we are able to offer
these courses are pricing of 299-399 INR, crazy right 😱? But that chapter
of life is over and I am no longer incharge of that platform.
I think we have already complicated the front end too much, so I am opting for a simpler solution for my home page and this is one of the fastest web page on the internet.
I think you are here to get to know me. Best way is to start with my work.